ParaWorld Wiki


The Dragon Clan are one of the three playable factions in ParaWorld, and the third and final faction of the campaign mode. Natives of the deep Jungle, they are focused on stealth and ranged combat. They are the most advanced of the native factions, using firearms, traps, and various mechanical units. They are based on the ancient Japanese and Chinese, and their antagonistic counterparts are the Pirates.

The Dragon Clan

Front row, left to right: land units, and variations of cavalry units already shown are not pictured.


ParaWorld Manual Description[]

Apart from Babbit and his henchmen, the mysterious Dragon Clan boasts the highest technological proficiency in PARAWORLD. These inhabitants of the parallel world are of Asian descent and absolutely determined in their efforts to exceed their own technological achievements over and over again. The Dragon Clan always conducts combat actions cunningly and with thorough deliberation. Frontal attacks are not their idea of warfare. They are much more likely to use their defensive strengths and rely on ranged weapons, clever traps and other defense facilities to rout their enemies. Even the other inhabitants of the parallel dimension don't know much about the Dragon Clan. Those brave enough to have tried find out more often injury in one of the Dragon Clan's cunning traps without even having laid eyes on the fabled tribe. The majority of these adventurous spirits; however, never made it back.

In-game Description[]

The Dragon Clan loves mechanical devices and builds daring machines out of wood. They use stealth, secrecy and traps to defend themselves. Their buildings are mainly made of wood and are erected on piles. Open to new ideas, they are somewhat less so towards new peoples and other tribes. Rather than build extensive fortifications to keep their enemies at bay the Dragon Clan prefers to use complicated traps. Not only to keep enemies at a safe distance, but to injure them as well. The Dragon Clan lives in small villages spread throughout the Jungle. Once their culture was centered around a huge temple complex, until a disaster of cataclysmic proportions drove them from the island. It is no longer clear just why the Dragon Clan spread out throughout the length and breadth of the Jungle, and very few of those who remain know of the old temple complex's existence. Most Dragon Clan tribes tend to be shy and avoid contact with other nations. There is one notable exception – one tribe has taken to the sea and turned pirate, robbing and looting at will.












Ice Spearman

Sumo Wrestler



Trade Dino

Gatling Rider

War Drums

Baryonyx Rider

Salta Transporter

Seismosaurus Titan

Eusmilus Rider


Smoke Bomber


Siege Tower


Dragon Tank


Transport Ship

Fire Boat

Muraenosaurus Submarine

Mine Layer

Floating Mine

Rocket Boat


Floating Tower


Economy Buildings[]

Combat Buildings[]

Defensive Buildings[]

Dragon Clan[]
